The Sabiha Studio Story

Hi, I’m Amy, the owner, designer and maker of Sabiha Studio and I hand-make all of the beautiful creations you see on our website and social media platforms. 

I started Sabiha Studio in January 2022 as a personal project after suffering with chronic depression for several years. In an effort to improve my mental health I went right back to basics and shifted focus to what I genuinely enjoyed and spent free time doing as a young child (when I had no other adult commitments or outside influences) and for me that was anything creative. I stumbled across the idea of polymer clay jewellery at my local markets and spend hours upon hours and days upon days finding solitude by immersing myself into childlike enjoyment by being creative. I give great credit to that for helping my ongoing journey to recovery. 

I genuinely believe in the power of self image and confidence and sometimes that means something as simple as a cute accessory to make you stand a little taller on days you feel small.

I also believe that it’s important to support small and support local and that’s why I use other small local businesses to source as much of my supplies as possible. Sometimes that means paying a little more but I am also supporting someone else’s dream. 

Sabiha Studio is based in a home studio on the beautiful Sunshine Coast and I attend one of our wonderful local markets every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday where I find great pleasure in meeting beautiful people and sharing life experiences. You can find me as a regular stallholder at Eumundi Markets, Redcliffe Markets, Rivermakers Markets and a number of other markets around the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane.

Outside of running Sabiha Studio I study Dental Technology full-time in Brisbane and I work in my ‘other job’ as an orthodontic dental laboratory technician. I am an aspiring burlesque dancer, live music enthusiast, sun lover, dog patter, baby cuddler and local cafe visitor.